We're committed to helping people like you optimize mental and physical performance so you can succeed with your own "take over the world" plans.


What will your story be? 


Mattias Ribbing, World Memory Champion

"This is another very interesting area. Smart drugs and so on is something that I’m starting to learn more about, what works and what doesn’t… My wife set up a blind study for me because I got my hand on some CILTEP… We did a blind test… Out of these 20 trials that I did in these 10 days, my four fastest ones were all on CILTEP. I did 8 failed trials, only 2 of them were on CILTEP."

Ricardo Castaneda, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Athlete

"Natural Stacks is the best. Their Grass-fed Protein is a must for a pick me up and recovery after my training. I love Natural Stacks products and the way they help me perform at my best when it matters most. Top quality products for top shelf results. Thank you guys!"


Wendy Doll, Sales Manager & Grandma

"Natural Stacks CILTEP keeps me on top of my game in my busy sales job, and leaves enough mental energy at the end of the day to play with my grandchildren! "


Dominick Barbato, Student/Entrepreneur

"I am a full time student, and a serial entrepreneur, while juggling to also help my brother with his company. Without Natural Stacks and all the products you guys offer, ranging from Vitamin D to CILTEP, the things I accomplish in a day are endless. Without the boost, some 18 hour days would be a drag. Thanks to you guys I have a great balance in my life and can accomplish much much more."


Leah Peters, Fitness Coach & Trainer

"SUPER EXCITED! I just got my CILTEP! It helps with memory, focus, motivation & more! I love that the ingredients are all-natural and listed with the exact amounts right on the bottle. This should definitely help with my 3 hour class at 8am :) Can't wait to try the Prebiotic+ and the curcumin too!"


Oscar Suarez, Associate Scientist

"I've been taking Dopamine Brain Food for about two weeks now and I'm really loving it. It gives me great motivation and reduces my stress in a high stress work environment."


Nick Ehrlich of Sweat Performance

"When I started using this stack, the SmartCaffeine, the CILTEP and the BioCreatine, I found that I take it right out of bed, first thing in the morning, and I have a really nice, focused, kind of laser-guided energy level that carries me throughout the day. I don't feel the need to go back, get another cup of coffee, grab a rockstar or anything like that. I'm really focused like this."


Barry Blaha, MagTech User

"This stuff is great! I did my research and I can say with certainty that MagTech is easily the best magnesium supplement I've found. I love it! My friends think I'm crazy, but I'm on the the monthly subscription because it's easy and economical."


Adrian West, Filmmaker

"CILTEP. I’ve tried this stuff a few months ago and extreme cognitive benefits. When I first tried it, it was brand new and I felt like it took an effect on my brain in minutes… When I’m at a desk job, like I am here at my studio, I’m good all day. I’ll take it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. I’m concentrating all day long and am crushing it, getting a lot of work done."


Mike Bacon, Biohacker

"I use Natural Stacks products on a daily basis. I got introduced to CILTEP and have been a fan of all the products ever since. Everything Natural Stacks makes is top of its class!"


Mags Bjerrum, Biohacker

"The first thing I do when I wake up is take CILTEP. It gives me the mental energy and clarity to jump start the day! Grogginess is no longer a part of my morning routine! All the things I've tried from Natural Stacks have been of the absolute most pristine quality! Natural Stacks is THE greatest supplement company I've ever come cross! No question!


Brittney Leeb, Nutritional Coach

"Smart Caffeine helps reduce the effects of muscle fatigue. And gives me that extra boost of energy that I need sometimes. And I also feel like it has increases the efficiency at which my body uses glycogen. Because I can work out longer with or without the product. CILTEP keeps me sharp and focused in all that I do… And since I’ve added BioCreatine I’ve noticed serious gains and more mental focus."


Anthony Geiss, Personal Trainer/Entrepreneur

"About a year ago I learned about Ciltep and Natural Stacks. After researching the company, listening to many different people speak positively about the products, along with the continued transparency of the company led me to purchasing my first mental performance stack. Life changing decision. I've always had a hard time concentrating and reading material that I need to retain for school. With the conjunction of the mental performance stack and binaural beats as soon as I wake up, I found that to be my flow state window. After a several months of this continual routine daily (one or two days a week I took off) I was able to acquire my NASM certification with pure confidence. With out a doubt Natural Stacks had a huge role and still does as I continue my education. As a physically driven individual I trust and use most of the products the company offers. Thank you for helping me along my journey of physical wellness, education and my career."


Cherie Lerner, Mom & CILTEP Fan

"As a busy mom and wife, I rely on Natural Stacks Ciltep and Protein to keep me focused, and energized throughout the day and after my workouts!"


Chris Hughes, Entrepreneur

"I’ve been pairing CILTEP up with the SmartCaffeine from The Natural Stacks guys as you can see here. What I’ve been doing is I’ve been surfing for about an hour or two hours right after taking it. and then coming back to get right into my work routine. I’m an internet entrepreneur so this has really helped with increasing my focus and getting things done which are on my to do list."


Don Fitch, Program Manager

"My work requires intense concentration, extraordinary multitasking, and thoughtful resolutions for difficult problems. I count on Natural Stacks CILTEP and Smart Caffeine to keep me focused and productive throughout the day."


Jerry Daniels, Software Engineer

"I started out today by taking CILTEP. It’s a nootropic, it helps with cognitive enhancement. I’m a 65 year old software developer so I have to have my whits about me and I have to have a good memory and CILTEP really helps me with that. Also, the great thing with CILTEP is that it goes great with caffeine.So if you’re a coffee drinker or if you’d like some kind of caffeine that if very smooth, SmartCaffeine is something they produce that I recommend."

Jacob, Student

"I just want to tell you that this stack really helped me for my exam. It literally saved my life. Firstly, SmartCaffeine. I took about one pill in the morning during exam time… it got me focused.
CILTEP - This product is amazing. When I say amazing, I mean AMAZING.
I took this one alone and still got the effect of clarity and memory."

Ben Morris, Director of Technology

"I wanted to do a quick video of a fantastic product from the guys at natural Stacks. All natural cognitive enhancer… It basically dials you in, similar to caffeine, but a little bit longer lasting. It’s working on your PDE4 inhibition in your brain… but technical stuff aside, 3 capsules a day on an empty stomach right when you wake up… Great product from the guys at Natural Stacks. Highly recommended."

Anthony, Medical Student

"I’m a big fan of Natural Stacks. And this is mainly because they’ve got this really honest approach. It’s quite simple really, it’s to sell products that actually work. And with really transparent ingredients so you can look up what’s in them. And you know that the dose is the effective dosage that is mentioned in the scientific studies. And although this sounds like an obvious, simple thing. This is actually really rare in the supplement industry."