Debbie Potts

Debbie is the Owner, trainer, and coach of a unique personal training & small group training boutique private fitness studio in downtown Bellevue, WA. Fitness Forward Studio offers amazing total body efficient workouts in 30 or 50 minutes using a variety of tool including free weights, TRX, Rip Trainers, sandbags, kettlebells, medicine balls, wall balls and more plus we implement Pilates mat, yoga, functional strength movements, and sport specific exercises into our workouts.
Debbie brings her experience as a trainer, coach, and athlete into her first book “Life is NOT a Race…It is a Journey” where she shares her story and the principles of her key program The WHOLESTIC Method, a new approach to improve fat loss, health, and performance for life and sports. From her first book stemmed her latest book The WHOLESTIC Method: Manual and Workbook. The manual and workbook is your how-to guide, taking you step by step through the 8 principles of The WHOLESTIC Method, followed by the workbook for your personal roadmap to transform yourself from the inside out! To hear more about Debbie, listen to her share her story on optimizing long-term health and performance.